Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the news #5

Well I believe you should not harm a living creature because its a living being and deserve to be treated right. Especially with domestic animals like dogs cats etc. Killing a chicken because you are going to eat it is one thing but forcing animals to fight is another or harming it for no reason. I believe with the nature of pitbulls there not the ideal pet to have but if you raise it proper they will be good. Dogs being put to sleep is a hard choice but I believe it necessary. If all that dog knows is to attack then it should be put down to spare another human.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In the news 9/23/08

Social networks affect us in alot of ways. I know some people that actually found relatives on myspace or facebook. There are certain dangers to them also but that the respomsiblity of the people who are on the site. There could be sexual predators on the wesbsite posing as a teenager, but parents should know their kids are on the website and should make them aware of the dangers and how to use the site responsibly.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Project Draft 1

MY beliefs is something I hold on to in my life because your beliefs shape who you are. Hard work is something that never could escape me. When I don't work hard I always get mediocre results, and when i do work hard success usually follows. I take that mind set in everything I do like sports, and education. If you don't study your grades are going to suffer.For me there is no in between, either I do real good or I do real bad. Im saying that you can see a pattern that is drawn the more you work hard the better your results are. Hard work builds character for ourselves to keep us on the right path. Hard work also brings forth success which is important in all our lives.

Character is something that we all have, whether good or bad. Character moldss you into the person you want to be. Character is the front cover and first chapter of the book of your life. By your charcter people will tend to expect certain things, like high or low expectations, failure, or great success. Knowing this with good charcter you will position yourself to either succeed or fail. Good charcter makes choose from right or wrong, even if tempation is staring you in the face. Good charcter will not allow you to compromise your goals and beliefs over doing something that is not in your plan. With good character you will shape your life to how you want it, but you need more than just good charcter to meet your goals.

Hard work is something I hold as the number one thing that you need to succeed, although you need more like a blue print how you will work hard. Everybody have a level of hard work they need to do in order to achieve their goals. Some people have to work ten times harder just to make the same goal that somebody met without working hard. But what matters is just making it. For example One of my professors told me a story, he told me their was a young boy growing about the same time as Mozart but the boy work hard all day on the piano. Now at the time Mozart was writing symphonies already as a child but the boy just kept working on his craft. When the two were twenty they both played side by side on stage. They played so beautiful that no one could tell them apart musical skill wise. So the moral of the story is maybe you have to work six hours more than somebody else but once you meet your goal you will be just as good. the boy could of got discouraged that Mozart was writing symphonies already as a kid but he just kept working and it payed off at the end. So hard work in everything i believe in i believe i need hard work whether it is school basketball or being a child of God.

Journal Entry #2

Accomplishing big things in small pieces is a essay I found compelling. Before I even read it the title captured me and made me think about my current obstacle I'm trying to reach and piece by piece I'm knocking it down. The essay is about William Wissemann. He grew up with dylexia and he had to learn how to break down sentences in small pieces to get the meaning of it. Hearing the essay motivated me to stay patient because I know that if you want something to get it will take time, and that what I got from the essay. For the most part the essay follow the guidelines of the website and the tone is semi serious and funny to me. What I probably write about for project 1 is my belief in God and how by following his guidelines anybody can live a better life. I also might write about hard work because with it nothing promise but without you get nothing.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Journal Entry #1

Something that made me want to write recently was about the olympics. I heard topics about athletes getting competitive edge, and to me that is absolutely wrong. For example I heard Michael Phelps and some others swimmers are wearing different swim suites that actually make you swim faster. I think if the other countries don't have access to that apparel I think no one should be allowed to wear it. It just fair and if sports are not fair it takes away the competitive nature if every race or game the other team is a mismatch. My purpose for writing this is that every body can realize what makes sports is the competitive nature. Why people spend their money to go to the games is to see a great game not just a blow out game or a one sided affair.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In the news (Politics)

Well I believe what the candidates think and his or her actions is important but in the same aspect a family is a reflection of who you are or is it? There are many point of views yiu can take but I believe in our society family and their candidates goes hand in hand, you cant seperate them. Both have a direct effect on others.

The candidates stopping their campaining for 9/11 was great because that shows all of respect for the people that were directly involved and for the country. I couldnt imagine if one of the candidates stop and the other didnt that wouls of been a campaining suicide I would think. But that was a good move for both campaining parties.


The influence that families has on politcs is major, it can break or make the running candidate. What comes to mind when I think about families and politics is when I read on fox news website what Barack Obama’s wife said in an interview that she had. I was interested in what she said so I watch it. BEfore watching it I saw on tv all the diffrerent spins that the reports try to make it sound like she said, almost changing her words. And in politics one thing that people love to have is a advantage and they will try to get one any way they can. What I found funny was how a direct impact her words had on Brack Obama almost as if he said it himself. So the question arise to me why do in politics does family has such a impact on the candidates? Shouldn't only the candidates views, beliefs, and what he or she says should effect his or her chances? Does it matter to you if a candidate thinks one way and their family thinks another?,2933,331288,00.html

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

In the news #1

In sports the level of competitiveness is very high, no one likes to lose or be cheated or feel like it. So when the question of a unfair advantage is ask their can be many different opinions about the subject. I believe sports should be fair no matter what the issue is. No when comparing athletes some may have advantages whether in height or athletic ability or size. But what makes sports so intruiging is when some body is physically at a disadvantage and some how finds a way to excell with the odds against them. Well let me not say somwe how, its by hard work. hard work pays off in anything in life whether it is grades, career, or maintaing you health. If some one is allow to take something or to drink something to help them physically you taking out all the hard work and what sports is really about, the under dog. That is what people go to games to see. A team that is outmatched work together and hard to win the game.